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How far in advance should I start planning my move?

 Farther than you think, especially if you’re moving from another state. You will want to give yourself enough time for a discovery trip & to make sure there are no financial issues to work through.

Plan at least 9 months in advance if coming from out of state and at least 6 months in advance if you already live in Georgia.

How long does the home buying process take?

Anywhere from 1-6 months. It typically takes 1-3 months to find a home and 30 days from a binding contract until the closing date. 

How can I tour homes if I don’t live in Georgia?

We can either FaceTime you during the walkthrough or film a professional video tour and upload to Google drive for your review.

How do I know if I’ll like the neighborhood I’m looking in?

Your discovery trip will help familiarize you with most of the neighborhoods we will be looking in.

Additionally our team will provide as much information and insight into those neighborhoods as possible

At what point during the process should I fly into town?

We recommend two trips, a discovery tour and a due diligence tour.

The discovery tour will involve you spending a couple days in Atlanta to drive around the neighborhoods that are the best fit and get a feel for the amenities, traffic patterns, architecture and overall vibe.

The second trip will be during your due diligence period immediately after going under contract. The purpose of this trip is to ensure you feel comfortable moving forward with the home while you still have the option of backing out without penalty.

Do I need to be physically present at the closing?

No you do not. You have the option of paying a fee to conduct a “mail-away” closing which will involve a notary bringing the contract to your residence to sign the day before closing.

Who will coordinate the inspection, find the right vendors, & follow up on agreed upon repairs?

We are your “boots on the ground” and will handle all of the logistics related to inspections, vendors, contractors, keys and anything else you need in the Atlanta area.

Does it matter which lender I use?

Very much so. How quickly your lender can close, how quickly they can return an appraisal, and how responsive they are will play a major role in helping you win in a competitive market. You are always free to work with whomever you choose but we strongly recommend working with one of our preferred lenders who we know can put you in the best position possible to win.

What are the out of pocket expenses involved in buying a home?

This can vary depending on the situation but generally speaking your out of pocket costs will include an inspection ($350-$700), an appraisal ($600-$800) and your closing costs (roughly 2% of sale price).

How much money will I need to put down?

That will be a discussion between you and a mortgage professional. They will be able to show you your options and help you decide which amount is best.

My credit is not great. Can I still buy a home?

It may take some time but usually the answer is yes. If the lender determines your credit is too low, we will explore every option for improving it as quickly as possible. The credit repair process can take time though.

What does it cost to hire you as my agent?

There is no out of pocket cost to you. Our commission is paid for by the seller.

Do I need to sign a contract?

Yes it is legally required in GA for you to sign a brokerage agreement in order for us to represent you. If you are not satisfied with our service, you may terminate this contract.

What areas in Georgia do you cover?

We cover all areas within roughly 1 hour of Atlanta. Further than that and we will refer you to another local expert.

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